Congratulations and welcome onboard!

Towards Leadership Impact (TLI)

A Six-week Online Intensive Leadership Certification Course to Kickstart Your Journey Towards Growing Leadership Impact (Self-paced, Online)

TLI Facebook Community

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TLI WhatsApp Channel

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LinkedIn Page

Follow our LinkedIn page for industry insights, networking opportunities, and updates. Tag us in your posts as you commence this journey.

We're thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with you! 🚀 Enrollment now closes on June 29th ahead of kick off on July 1st. Afterward, expect further onboarding details and login credentials for our Learning Management System (LMS) to kickstart your six-week journey to personal growth and development. Get ready for an unforgettable transformation! Welcome aboard.

In the mean time, invite other colleagues who should be part of TLI so they can join in before enrollment closes. Share the link with them.

Stay Connected with the African Leadership Development Centre, ALDC Covenant University. Follow and connect with us, online.

Nigeria Office

A Christian-based leadership institution offering specialised leadership education for raising and nurturing transgenerational leaders

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